FIBER at One Of These Days festival, December 8th & 9th 2012

FIBER participates in One Of These Days; A Festival Of Festivals (Blackpool, UK)

Audiovisual network festival FIBER will participate in “One Of These Days”; a brand new ‘festival of festivals’, which will take place in Blackpool on 8 & 9 December 2012. A total of 16 European festivals will present a specialised programme on various stages over a period of two days and nights. FIBER will be presenting a selection of Dutch upcoming talents in digital arts, right beside renowned international artists. FIBER’s share of the festivities will take place on Sunday, December 9th.

Dutch audiovisual network festival FIBER will participate in “One Of These Days”; a brand new ‘festival of festivals’, which will take place in Blackpool (UK) on December 8th and 9th 2012.
A total of 16 European festivals will present a specialised programme on various stages over a period of two days and two nights. FIBER will be presenting a selection of Dutch upcoming talents in digital arts, right beside renowned international artists. FIBER’s share of the festivities will take place on Sunday, December 8th.

The entire festival will take place within the grand spaces of the historical heritage building “The Winter Gardens” in Blackpool, United Kingdom. The scale and sheer architectural richness of the venue provide a vibrant theatrical and entertaining experience for both audience and performers.

Today, the “One Of These Days” organisation has made a list of all the participating festivals known to the international press. Next to FIBER other festivals like MELT!, Free Rotation and Glastonbury’s Dance Village will present their vision through a programme of local and international bands, acts and performances. FIBER is working on a programme with audiovisual performances and visually enhanced contemporary electronic music. In the following weeks more information about the line-up will be revealed.

For the latest updates, please visit the websites of One Of These Days and FIBER and follow our social media channels.


FIBER is an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary organisation, that presents new developments in audiovisual art, digital culture and the experimental and deeper corners of electronic music. The team works year round with a vibrant network of artists, designers, researchers and developers, who aspire to introduce mind bending experiences to a broad audience. Special attention goes out to the support of up and coming talents across numerous creative disciplines.

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