FIBER & 5 Days Off present: Coding the Club (06/03/2014)

New developments in club environments, audiovisual live shows and electronic music

On Thursday, March 6th FIBER and music festival 5 Days Off present 'Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding The Club'; an evening about new developments in the production of dance floor environments, groundbreaking audiovisual live shows and electronic music. During Coding the Club you’ll explore the cutting edge of the club: from self-built controllers for music and DJing to the enormous light shows and engaging club experiences. Made by collaborations between DJs, producers, artists and coders. With performances, showcases and keynotes national and international makers show their extraordinary projects and the digital tools with which they work with.

On Thursday, March 6th FIBER and music festival 5 Days Off present Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding The Club; an evening about new developments in the production of dance floor environments, groundbreaking audiovisual live shows and electronic music.

During Coding the Club you’ll explore the cutting edge of the club: from self-built controllers for music and DJing to the enormous light shows and engaging club experiences which are made by collaborations between DJs, producers, artists and coders.

With performances, showcases and keynotes national and international makers show their extraordinary projects and the digital tools with which they work. Current advances are discussed as well as future prospects, such as interaction between crowd and artist through sensors or brainwaves.

Coding the Club reveals the often opaque world behind how new technology influences our club experience and also functions as an informal meetup for audiovisual artists, DJ/producers, event organisers, coders, media/art/design students and lovers of nightlife culture.

The last part of the event is also the start of the night: Coding the Club closes with an overwhelming audiovisual performance to bring you in the right state of mind for 5 Days Off’s following programme: a full night of techno from Speedy J’s own label Electric Deluxe with Collabs 3000 (Speedy J & Chris Liebing), Abdulla Rashim, Marcel Fengler, Will & Ink, Truss, LET resident Jean Pierre Enfant and others.


Peter Kirn - keynote / moderator / workshop
Kirn is an audiovisual artist, journalist, and technologist. He is widely known for founding and running the Create Digital Media blogs which explore creative technology, its leading names and new developments. He also develops and teaches open creative tools, like the open-source MeeBlip synthesizer which he co-created. He’ll be giving an introduction talk to provide an overview of the various topics we’ll be discussing, from new developments in dance floor environments to the production and interdisciplinary performance of audiovisual live shows and electronic music.

Simon Geilfus (ANTIVJ) - artist talk / workshop
Simon Geilfus is a developer, designer and visual performer associated with the influential visual label ANTIVJ. These pioneers of projection mapping and innovative motion graphics have been seen working with many big names, varying from Flying Lotus to Hugo Boss. Geilfus’ work lies at the intersection of art and code. At Coding the Club, he’ll be giving a workshop during the day, and during the evening he will show us how he translates creative concepts from clients or his own team into working software environments and interfaces which enable collaboration and performance between members of a visual performance team.

Children of the Light (Darkside) - showcase
Children of the Light (a collaboration of Christopher Gabriel and Arnout Hulskamp) will tell us about their 'Mirror Moon' (which they've been using on stage for the current Darkside world tour, featured in the Melkweg the day before Coding the Club), its development and the tools they use to make this magic happen. But primarily, they'll be giving us an insight into how their work is not just made by them, but as a team effort; a synergy between the whole crew of musicians, designers and technicians working together in development as well as live on stage.

4DSOUND - showcase
The 4DSOUND system is not just a new way to project sound onto a listeners in a three-dimensional space; it is also a spatial instrument that can be played through integration with interfaces and controllers. 4DSOUND’s Paul Oomen will be on stage for a showcase of the system, during which he will explain why the system was developed in this way, what needs shaped their hardware and software and how the wishes of producers and composers (whom they house for artist residencies) are translated to code and interface.

Matthijs Munnik - audiovisual performance
Media artist Matthijs Munnik will close the evening with his performance Citadels: Lightscape V: a psychedelic trip which takes you on an adventure though hallucinations, patterns and the workings of your own eyes. Attempting to cope with the overload of colour and light in this performance, your eyes and brain start to create patterns and shapes by themselves, creating visuals that aren't really there: you become the VJ of your own unique trip,


The Encoded Groove: Free Soundmakers with PureData
By Peter Kirn

In this intensive crash course, Kirn will show participants how to manipulate time and sound in the free and open source tool PureData. Those new to patching will get to see the basics; those with some experience should still pick up some new tips and techniques. The workshop will also feature an introduction to extending these creations in PureData, which for example can include integration with iOS or Android apps or routing the sound into Ableton Live.
For tickets and more information about this workshop:

Creative Coding: Live Visuals with Cinder
By Simon Geilfus

In this workshop, Simon Geilfus of AntiVJ will be giving an introduction to creative coding and Cinder. Participants will work with custom software which enables coding in a Cinder-inspired scripting language, allowing them to easily learn and code in a live environment, and directly see the result of their work. For tickets and more information about this workshop:


Tickets for Coding The Club are on sale via:

More information about the programme can be found on the websites of Coded Matter(s) ( and 5 Days Off (

Coded Matter(s) is supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL


FIBER and 5 Days Off present:
Coded Matter(s) #5: Coding The Club

Date: March 6, 2014
Time: 19:30 - 22:30 | Doors: 19:00
Location: Melkweg Theaterzaal, Amsterdam

Event website:
5 Days off event:
Facebook event:
Twitter: @fiberfestival#codedmatters

Ticket link:

Tickets Pre-sale: Coded Matter(s) - Coding The Club = € 13,-
Coded Matter(s): Coding The Club (CJP discount) = € 10,-
Combiticket CM + Club night 5DO: Electric Deluxe = € 23,-

Tickets Door: Coded Matter(s) - Coding The Club = € 15,-
Coded Matter(s): Coding The Club (CJP discount) = € 12,-
Combi-ticket CM + Club night 5DO: Electric Deluxe = € 25,-

Press Releases

Press Release Dutch:
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FIBER presents Coded Matter(s); a series of events exploring the explosion of digital processes taking place in hybrid art, design and music and the ripples this causes. During these events artists, designers, musicians and other creatives will demonstrate the immense possibilities offered by digital systems and creative coding platforms for the creation of visual art, generative design, interactive installations, multi-sensory performances and enchanting scenography. 

Coded Matter(s) also functions as a platform for bringing together frontrunners within many creative disciplines. Furthermore, FIBER aims to open up these developments and make them accessible to a broad audience, giving them a unique opportunity to experience the many possibilities and tools. 


FIBER is a Dutch interdisciplinary organisation, that presents new developments in audiovisual art, digital culture and the experimental and deeper corners of electronic music. The team works year round with a vibrant network of artists, designers, researchers and developers, who aspire to introduce mind bending experiences to a broad audience. Special attention goes out to the support of up and coming talents across numerous creative disciplines. FIBER aims to explore hybrid forms of art, the power of media- and network technology, and encourages an exchange of views between the makers and their audience.


FIBER is an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary organisation, that presents new developments in audiovisual art, digital culture and the experimental and deeper corners of electronic music. The team works year round with a vibrant network of artists, designers, researchers and developers, who aspire to introduce mind bending experiences to a broad audience. Special attention goes out to the support of up and coming talents across numerous creative disciplines.

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